Get a glimpse of the real AD0-E703 certification exam challenges with our free Adobe AD0-E703 practice test questions.
Question 1
You are reviewing a module to some special functionality to the Magento 2 application, You see directory /CustomerData, What task you think in this directory contain script for this modules?
Question 2
You are building CLI that use the console to create a customer account with our custom command as like
php bin/magento customer:user:create --customer-firstname="Mahin" --customer-lastname="Rahman" --customer-email="" --customer-password="mahin@123" --website="1"
using: protected function configure() { $this->setName('customer:user:create') ->setDescription('Create new customer') ->setDefinition($this->getOptionsList()); } protected function getOptionsList(){ return [
------------------]; } Which below Option are not required in blank? (Choose 2)
Question 3
You need to render a product attribute's raw value as a variable in a script tag. This value will be used to initialize an application on the frontend. How do you render this value?
Question 4
As you are scanning folder in the vendor/module-catalog directory, you see a directory that is named Ui. What is this folder's purpose?
Question 5
In a custom module you implement the interface \Magento\Framework\App\Config\DataInterface.
What version constraint for magento/framework do you add to your module's composer.json file?
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Our Adobe Magento Commerce practice test questions are aligned with the current topics and meticulously mirror the Adobe Magento Commerce AD0-E703 real exam.
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