Explore Free Adobe Magento Commerce AD0-E704 Practice Questions for Exam Mastery

Get a glimpse of the real AD0-E704 certification exam challenges with our free Adobe AD0-E704 practice test questions.

Question 1

You want to run a script each time after all schema installation and schema upgrade scripts have executed, but before data setup scripts execution. What do you do?

Correct Answer: 1


Question 2

You need to include the customer account menu on a custom storefront page, but only when the method MyCompany\\lyModule\ViewModel\MyView: :hasCustomerMenu() returns true. How do you accomplish this?

Correct Answer: 2


Question 3

You are working on a customization that requires a list of shipping rates available to a user. Which call returns the list of shipping rates?

Correct Answer: 3


Question 4

You are integrating a Magento store with a 3rd-party OMS. The orders created on the Magento side must be uploaded to the OMS, there is no need to pull any data from the OMS into Magento. The OMS already has established RabbitMQ infrastructure so you decided to reuse it.

In addition to the implementation of the business logic for uploading orders, which two configurations must be done in your module to make the integration work?

Correct Answer: 4

A, B

Question 5

You are debugging an issue where the staged product custom attribute value is not displayed properly. The attribute backend type is varchar. How does Magento store scheduled values for varchar attributes?

Correct Answer: 5


Master the Adobe Certified Master Magento Commerce Architect AD0-E704 exam like never before! You’ve reviewed the free AD0-E704 practice questions, but the actual Adobe Magento Commerce certification exam demands more. Elevate your preparation with Certsmarket premium Adobe Magento Commerce AD0-E704 practice exam questions.

Our Adobe Magento Commerce practice test questions are aligned with the current topics and meticulously mirror the Adobe Magento Commerce AD0-E704 real exam.

Gain invaluable insights to address your knowledge gaps and boost your confidence with Certsmarket AD0-E704 realistic practice questions. Invest in your Adobe AD0-E704 exam success today!

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