Explore Free Arcitura Education Certified SOA NET Developer S90.05 Practice Questions for Exam Mastery

Get a glimpse of the real S90.05 certification exam challenges with our free Arcitura Education S90.05 practice test questions.

Question 1

You are asked to create an XML schema for an Employee service that is required to search an HR database in order to retrieve the maximum number of hours an employee is authorized to work within a week. You are given the following specific instructions as to how the XML schema should be designed:

* Add two complex types wrapped in "element" elements named "EmployeeHoursRequestType" and "EmployeeHoursResponseType"

* The "EmployeeHoursRequestType" element must contain a child "ID" element of type integer. The "EmployeeHoursResponseType" must contain a child "ID" element of type integer, and a child "WeeklyHoursLimit" element of type short.

* The "xsd" prefix needs to be used for all XML Schema language elements.

Which of the following XML schemas fulfills the requirements while also following the instructions?


Correct Answer: 1


Question 2

You are working with an Authentication service that submits user credentials for authentication purposes. Atypical XML document passed to the service looks like this:


You are contacted by the IT department manager and told that from now on, all XML documents that are passed to and from services must have a namespace in order to more easily identify their related XML schema definitions. You revise the above sample document by adding a namespace declaration, as well as prefixes to the "user" element, as shown here:


Assuming the "date" element is of type date, the "login" element is of type string, and the "password" element is of type hexBinary, which of the following XML schemas will correctly validate the revised sample?


Correct Answer: 2


Question 3

You work for a company that provides online printing services. Customers need to be able to provide their documents electronically so that they can be printed. You are asked to design the Document Management service that will allow customers to manage documents through your company's Web site. Specifically, a customer needs to be able to add a document (and receive a notification that it was added) and delete a document (and also receive a notification that it was deleted).

You have already developed the following XML schema (called "documentManagementxsd") that declares four separate elements:


The "addDocumentRequest" element is for the request message sent from the customer to the service to initiate the adding of a document. The "addDocumentConfirmation" element is sent back to the customer once the document is successfully added. The "deleteDocumentRequest" element is for the request message sent from the customer to the service to initiate the deletion of a document. The "deleteDocurnentConfirmation" element is sent back to the customer once the document is successfully deleted. Which of the following WSDL definitions correctly incorporates the XML schema to fulfill the requirements of the service?




Correct Answer: 3


Question 4

A partner organization has been trying to send an invoice XML document as part of a SOAP message to your Invoice service. The IT people at the partner organization are convinced that the invoice XML document is correctly structured and contains valid data. However, the SOAP message has been repeatedly rejected by your Invoice service. Someone from the partner organization e-mails you the following XML document fragment that was extracted from the SOAP message:


Subsequent to some further investigation, you determine that you are actually supporting four different versions of the Invoice WSDL definition, each with a different XML schema. Which of the following XML schemas will successfully validate the above XML document fragment?


Correct Answer: 4


Question 5

You have written the following WSDL definition to describe the Payroll service, which provides a "PayrollNotification" operation that sends out employee payroll information:


Subsequent to a review by the enterprise architecture team, you are notified that although this WSDL definition is technically correct, it is not in compliance with current internal design standards. Specifically, it is a current convention for the WSDL namespace to be the default namespace, rather than using the "wsdl" prefix. Furthermore, another design standard dictates that the "Ins" always be used to represent the target namespace. Which of the following WSDL definitions have been correctly revised to comply with the design standards?



Correct Answer: 5


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