
Explore Free EMCIE E20-260 Practice Questions for Exam Mastery

Get a glimpse of the real E20-260 certification exam challenges with our free EMC E20-260 practice test questions.

Question 1

A customer has a VPLEX Metro configuration across two data centers 200 km apart. During an overnight backup, the WAN-COM link between the two data centers fails. What VPLEX object allows for future incremental re-synchronization with the remote mirror once the link is restored?

Correct Answer: 1


Question 2

Click on the calculator in the upper left corner. How much distributed storage can be managed by a 20 GB logging volume?

Correct Answer: 2


Question 3

You created a synchronous consistency group, which contains two distributed volumes configured with the rule "set cluster-1-detaches".

What is the expected behavior of the virtual volumes in the event of a WAN-COM failure?

Correct Answer: 3


Question 4

In a customer's VPLEX Metro environment, a host has been provisioned as a single virtual volume from cluster-1. The customer now needs to convert the local virtual volume to a distributed device.

How can the customer accomplish this?

Correct Answer: 4


Question 5

A customer has a VPLEX Metro installed. They asked you to recommend a method to non-disruptively move Virtual Volumes from a storage array at Cluster 1 to a storage array at Cluster 2. What would you recommend?

Correct Answer: 5


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