Get a glimpse of the real SMC certification exam challenges with our free Scrum SMC practice test questions.
Question 1
A new Sprint has just started in your project. Some of the Development Team members need help determining when team members will actually take ownership of a Sprint Backlog item. What should you tell the Development Team?
Question 2
You are a Scrum Master for your organization. Which one of the following best describes your role?
Question 3
You are the Scrum Master for a project in a new Scrum environment. The Development Team is confused about their responsibilities in a Sprint. Of the following which one is not part of the Development Team's responsibilities?
Question 4
You are the Scrum Master for the USB Project for your organization. The Development Team has completed three iterations and they want to know when Kim, the Product Owner, will release the completed increments into production. What's the best answer?
Question 5
A Scrum Team must produce the following artifacts. Select all that apply.
Master the Scrum Master Certified (SMC) SMC exam like never before! You’ve reviewed the free SMC practice questions, but the actual Professional Scrum Master certification exam demands more. Elevate your preparation with Certsmarket premium Professional Scrum Master SMC practice exam questions.
Our Professional Scrum Master practice test questions are aligned with the current topics and meticulously mirror the Professional Scrum Master SMC real exam.
Gain invaluable insights to address your knowledge gaps and boost your confidence with Certsmarket SMC realistic practice questions. Invest in your Scrum SMC exam success today!
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