Explore Free XML Master I10-003 Practice Questions for Exam Mastery

Get a glimpse of the real I10-003 certification exam challenges with our free XML I10-003 practice test questions.

Question 1

Assume that perfect fidelity of a complete XML document is required in a certain XML document. Select the most suitable method for providing perfect XML document fidelity when storing an XML document using the following methods. Here "perfect XML document fidelity" means that an XML document retrieved from the XMLDB is exactly the same as the original XML document prior to XMLDB insertion, completely identical when compared using binary, including empty element notations, whitespace locations, etc.

Correct Answer: 1


Question 2

A certain Web application displays user information according to user input via Web browser. The XML data managing user information is as shown in [example xm I] referenced in a separate window.


At this time, the Web application completes the [XQuery] by replacing (1) and (2) with the user input character string, and executes the query.

No character escapes (e.g. convert "<" to "<") are performed for character string input by the user.

Select the query execution result when the user input character string is as follows:

(1) "]/fn:root(),()/a[a="

(2) OK

Correct Answer: 2


Question 3

Select the correct result of executing the [XQuery] on [example xml] referenced in a separate window. Do not consider indents (ignorable white space such as line feeds, tabs, etc.) in [example.xml] or the execution results.


Correct Answer: 3


Question 4

See separate window.


Assume you wish to execute an XQuery on [example.xml] (separate window) to obtain [Output Result] (separate window). Select the correct XQuery to obtain [Output Result].


Correct Answer: 4


Question 5

Assume that a certain XMLDB can perform a validation check using DTD.

Further assume that this XMLDB can create an XDM from the post-validation XML Information Set (Infoset), store this XDM in the XMLDB, and retrieve the XDM from the XMLDB.

Consider using the following [example.dtd] to perform a validation check, and inserting the [XML Document] below into the XMLDB. A validation check is not performed when retrieving XML data from the XMLDB.

In this case, select two statements correctly explaining the XML data retrieved from the XMLDB.


Correct Answer: 5

B, D

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